7th Grade Students

It is not too soon to begin thinking about high school for your 7th grade student. In addition to personal tours of Holy Family, we offer opportunities for 7th grade students to begin thinking about Holy Family as their high school destination.

Middle School Information Night 
The Middle School Information Night gives you the opportunity to learn more about Holy Family's curriculum, meet administrators, and hear from current students and parents. 

Wednesday, April 23 | 6:00-7:30 p.m.



7th Grade Pre-High School Placement Tests 
This is an in-person practice exam designed for 7th graders. The test is scored with 7th grade norms and helps parents and schools evaluate their student’s strengths and weaknesses. The test will help to familiarize students with High School Placement Test content and the structure as they plan for the High School Placement Test in December of their 8th grade year.

Saturday, April 26 | 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 
