Sister Aline Dalton Alumni Scholarship
Holy Family High School awards one half-tuition scholarship annually to one incoming son or daughter of a Holy Family High School alumnus or alumna. This scholarship is named for Sister Aline Dalton, a former Principal and Alumni Director of Holy Family High School. The scholarship is renewable yearly, provided the recipient actively participates in at least three school clubs, teams and/or co-curricular activities and maintains a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher with no semester grade lower than a “C”.
Nominations are made by the student’s school.
Patty Langfield-Gabriel Alumni Scholarship
Holy Family High School awards a $750 scholarship annually to one incoming son or daughter of a Holy Family High School alumnus or alumna. This scholarship was established in honor of Patty Langfield-Gabriel '70 to support and encourage educational excellence at Holy Family. This scholarship is renewable annually provided the student maintains a 3.0 GPA or higher with no semester grade lower than a "C", shows commitment to the teachings of the Catholic faith and participates in school extra-curricular activities while at Holy Family. Patty Langfield-Gabriel Alumni Scholarship Application.
Loyalty Scholarship
Holy Family High School awards four Loyalty Scholarships each year to incoming freshman students from the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Denver. These scholarships are half-tuition grants which are renewable yearly, provided the recipient maintains a 3.0 G.P.A. or higher with no semester grade lower than a “C”. Additionally, the student must be a positive, active member of the Holy Family High School community.
Nominations are made by the student’s school.
Franciscan Service Scholarship
Holy Family High School awards six, $1,500 scholarships annually to incoming freshman students from the Catholic Schools or parishes of the Archdiocese of Denver. These awards are given to eighth graders who demonstrate a commitment to service to others. These scholarships are renewable yearly, provided the recipient is an active and positive member of Holy Family High School, continues to demonstrate his or her commitment to serving others and maintains a G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher with no semester grade lower than a “C”.
Nominations are made by the student’s parish or school.
Freedom Scholarship
Holy Family High School awards one Freedom Scholarship each year to an incoming freshman student whose parent or legal guardian is a Police Officer, Firefighter, First Responder, active Military or Military Veteran. These scholarships are renewable yearly, provided the recipient continues to demonstrate a commitment to a Catholic secondary education and to the teachings of the Catholic faith, and maintains a G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher with no semester grade lower than a “C”. Freedom Scholarship Application.
ACE Scholarships
(An outside organization that provides tuition grants to students attending Holy Family)
Alliance for Choice in Education provides scholarships to families who qualify for the Federal Free and reduced lunch Program. Applications are available through the Holy Family Business Office. Visit for more information.
Schmitz Family Foundation Scholarships
The Schmitz Family Foundation supports Holy Family students through scholarships of $4,000 based on income level. A limited number of applications are available each year. Families interested in qualifying for the scholarships must complete the ACE scholarship section on the FACTS Financial Aid Application. At least one person in the family must be employed, and federal income tax forms must be included with the application. Students must maintain at least a 2.0 G.P.A. The awards renew as long as a family continues to meet the income guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact the Holy Family Business Office.
Saint Amelia Education Guild
Saint Amelia Education Guild ensures the opportunity for Catholic, private, higher education and experiences to all families. Saint Amelia is a non-profit 501C# that contracts with the food service industry at Denver and Colorado Springs area venues to provide team members for food service operations. Visit for more information.
*Additional scholarships may be offered through outside sources such as credit unions, parishes, and other organizations.